Submission Guidelines
Aim & Scope
The Global Agri vision e-magazine is a Bi-monthly Online Open Access Magazine. The Global Agri vision e-magazine accepts contributions such as Technical Review, Mini Reviews, News and Information about newer Machinery & Products, Recent Developments in the following areas, and their allied field for publication.
- Agriculture
- Agroforestry
- Climatic
- Community Science
- Ecological
- Economic
- Fisheries
- Food Science
- Food Technology
- Food Engineering
- Nutrition Science
- Horticulture
- Social Interactions
- Plant Protections
- Value added product
- Valorization of Food and Agricultural Waste
The articles are written for those with opinions, decision-makers, industrialists, and practitioners and are supported by scientifically generated evidence.
Submission process
· Authors wishing to submit an article should complete the form on the submit prescribed page of the website or by email to globalagrivision@gmail.com.
· The email subject line should be indicated as ‘New Article for Submission’ and the cover letter to be provided in the body of the e-mail. The correspondence is to be addressed to The Chief Editor, Global Agri vision e-magazine, India.
· The names, qualifications, honors, and affiliations of the authors should be provided, and submission will be deemed an acceptance of the terms outlined in these Instructions and the ownership of the copyright by Global Agri vision.
· Authors may note that submission of a hard copy of the article is not accepted.
· Authors are solely responsible for obtaining copyright clearance from the original contributors to reproduce text/tables/figures/pictures/photos in their articles.
· The contributions are subjected to review and editorial board reserves the right to publish or edit suitably. An editor with appropriate expertise will assess each article and retain the right to change any assertions or request a modification. The senior author will obtain the revised draft for approval prior to publication. To prevent delays, writers must react to requests for changes as soon as possible.
· MS Word should be used for all papers, formatted to A4 with justified text in Times New Roman, 12-point for text, and 1.5 spaces between lines.
· Magazines evaluate popular articles/manuscripts that are 2–5 pages long.
· The article's word count should not go beyond 6000.
· The language of the articles/manuscript must be English (either American or British standard, but not the mixture of both).
· The cover page should contain the title of the paper, author’s name, designation, official address, contact phone numbers, e-mail address, and an abstract between 120 and 180 words.
· When writing, authors should have a critical mindset and develop creative ideas or novel perspectives on global issues. Factual statements must be supported by reliable, peer-reviewed evidence, for which a citation must be provided.
· Use italics for emphasis.
· Every argument must be logically derivable and reasonable.
· Articles should be organized logically, with distinct and pertinent headers and subheadings.
· Use the automatic line and page numbering function to number the pages and lines.
· Articles/manuscripts submitted to Global Agri vision e-magazine should not have been published elsewhere or be under consideration for publication somewhere before or concurrently.
· Whenever feasible, utilize figures and tables, and be sure to cite all sources according to APA style using superscript numbers in the body of the text. These need to include a link in a separate reference section that points to the relevant source.
· The International System of Units, or SI, should be used. When feasible, units such as imperial, US customary, and others should be translated to SI units.
· When referencing currencies, use the accepted acronyms worldwide.
· International regulations of nomenclature should be observed, and the whole Latin binomial of an organism should be supplied at the first mention.
· Before the article is published in the Global Agricultural Vision e-Magazine, writers who need to reprint copyrighted content must seek permission to do so.
· When referring to commercial chemicals, it is best to use their recognized common names; nevertheless, if a proprietary term is necessary and cannot be avoided, it should be used with a capital initial letter and the manufacturer should be mentioned at the beginning of the sentence.
· Dates should be written as day, month, and year, as of 12th June 2013.
· The Global Agri vision e-magazine follows a strict anti-plagiarism policy; hence, contributors may take note of the caution while preparing the articles/manuscript. If the index similarity is more than 15%, we request that the authors modify the article to conform to standards.
· References should be given at the end of the articles/manuscript and should contain only those cited in the text of the articles/manuscript.
· The contribution must be original in nature and is neither published nor under consideration for publication anywhere else. A scanned copy of the signed Declaration by the author is to be attached to the article.
· A scanned passport-size photograph (at least, 600 dpi) of the author and in case of joint authorship of all the authors should also be mailed along with the soft copy of the article.
· Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and should appear near the text where they are first cited. The figures must be in editable format. Captions of the figures and tables are given at the bottom and at the top, respectively. Headlines of the sections and subsections should start from the left-hand margin.
· The final decision on the acceptance or otherwise of the paper rests with the competent authority/editorial board, and it depends entirely on its standard and relevance. The final draft may be subjected to editorial amendment to suit the Magazine requirements.
· The copyright of the contributions published in the Magazine lies with the publishers of the Magazine.
· The Editor has the right to modify/edit any content/title of the submitted article to suit the need of the Magazine, without affecting the spirit of the article.